


The 职业和专业发展中心 (CCPD) assists students of all majors with identifying interests and career goals and creating meaningful opportunities to help you succeed in your academic, 个人, 职业目标. The CCPD is dedicated to supporting and empowering students in their exploration, 准备, 追求自己选择的职业生涯.

希望招聘中北部人才的雇主: http://uqax.vrps.net/hire-our-students


握手 is our online platform to help you find a meaningful career. Everything you need to connect with 职业和专业发展中心 is on 握手! Schedule appointments, download career 资源, view upcoming events and more! 访问 握手 to update your profile and see who is looking for NCC interns and employees. 


How the center for career and professional development supports students


学生 can meet with the CCPD team to discuss a variety of topics. 学生寻求支持的一些最受欢迎的话题是:

  • 职业生涯 Exploration: Explore who you are, your goals, and what matters to you
  • 实习 & 求职:制定个性化的实习和求职计划
  • 实习 Approvals: Receive internship approval and support while on internship
  • 人脉:拓展人脉技能 & 与雇主的关系
  • 实习 & Job Application: Review job search materials - resumes, cover letters, applications
  • Interview Preparation: Engage with mock 面试 to gain confidence


学生可以进入奥斯特勒114号图书馆的临时接待中心. 中心的开放时间为每周二中午12点至下午4点, 星期三, 每学年的每个星期四. 中北书院 职业生涯 Peer Advisors support students by answering questions and providing guidance on the following topics:

  • 审查简历和求职信
  • 介绍CCPD的职业资源和活动
  • 15分钟关于职业探索的职业对话
  • 实习和/或求职策略指导
  • 握手和LinkedIn支持
  • Preparation for 职业活动 by practicing your elevator pitch and researching employers

职业活动 & 博览会

  • 中北书院 & 实习展(9月)
  • 职业生涯Fest(2月)
  • 及时工作 & 实习展(四月)


Whether you have an upcoming interview or you're starting a new internship or job, 立博在线体育为你准备了最完美的衣服! 立博体育平台职业衣橱对所有中北部学生开放. The 立博体育平台职业衣橱 Mission is to increase access to quality professional attire to students for career-related experiences, 面试, 以及专业的社交活动.


Download our resume sample on 握手 to guide you to develop a professional resume! Connect with our 职业生涯 Peer Advisors or professional staff in individual appointments to support you as you develop and improve your resume, 写一封成功的求职信, 或者创建其他与职业相关的文件.




在中北部, 立博在线体育希望学生找到一条研究生之路——一份工作, 研究生院, 服务——对他们来说是有意义的. And we want them to be confident that they are being prepared to succeed on the path they choose. The 所有大学职业准备要求 allows students to explore their strengths and the postgraduate options available to them; develop a story and materials to share with employers and 研究生院 committees to translate their North Central experiences in exciting ways; and to practice what they’ve learned in the classroom in internship, 本科研究, practica, 以及其他现场经验设置.


The CCPD team is dedicated to helping students prepare for various interview experiences. 学生可以安排一对一的模拟面试, 参加面试工作坊, 或者使用强大的面试平台, 大面试. 大采访, students can gain valuable feedback on their interviewing skills and build confidence to excel in their 面试.


中北书院 is a member of the 伊利诺伊州大学职业联合会 (CCCI), a dynamic and respected consortium of 18 colleges and universities representing 56,在校生超过1000人. 中北部的学生可以访问在线职业资源, 与会员雇主进行校园面试, 秋季面试日, 以及春季求职大会.



中北书院 is also a member Associated 大学 of Illinois (ACI), 一个由24个人组成的强大网络, 非营利组织, 主要是住宿学院和大学. These institutions sustain an enduring commitment to mission-driven, 以文科为主的小型高等教育, 培养社区意识的支持性环境. 学生 can explore job and internship postings online and attend an Annual Job and 实习 Expo.



We want you to receive the right coaching for where you're at in your career. There are different support options depending on your graduation date.

校友 who graduated from 中北书院 less than two years ago have access to a variety of career support and 资源, 包括:

  • 握手 - North Central's primary career engagement platform for students and alumni to seek internships and full-time roles for entry-level talent.
  • 职业生涯 events, programs, and workshops, including the annual 中北书院 & 实习公平.
  • 上门服务中心支持(位于Oesterle图书馆114号).
  • One-on-one appointments with professional staff, both in-person and virtual via Teams.

校友 who graduated from 中北书院 more than two years ago will be directed to receive support from the 职业和社交中心, 帮助求职者的商业专业人士组成的专家组, 转行的, 以及那些寻求职业发展的人. All 中北书院 alumni will receive a 60% discount on the annual membership by following the steps below:

  1. 导航到 职业和社交中心 主页.
  2. 选择“了解更多”,然后选择“成为会员”."
  3. 选择125美元的会员选项作为您的选择.
  4. 向下滚动到优惠券代码打开框,并包括代码 CNC75 to allow you to receive the $125 annual membership for the discounted rate of $50 annually.


你喜欢通过教育和领导来帮助你的同龄人吗? Are you looking for an on-campus job opportunity to develop professionally, 同时帮助你的同伴也这样做? If this describes you, consider applying for the 职业生涯 Peer Advisor (CPA) program.

职业生涯 Peer Advisors are trained paraprofessionals who provide career assistance through the CCPD 救助中心, 职业活动, 和程序. 与中城警局紧密合作, 注册会计师就与职业相关的快速问题向他们的同行提供建议/指导, 比如职业规划过程, 有效的实习和求职技巧, 撰写简历和求职信, 面试策略, 利用网上的职业资源.


Campus employment provides great opportunities for students to advance their career readiness skills.  学生 looking for employment opportunities on campus can search for open positions through our Human Resource department.

two student workers in the department of campus safety and office of residence life


立博在线体育的工作人员很乐意帮助并回答您可能遇到的任何问题. 请立博在线体育了解更多信息.
